I realized tonight, while I was preparing my salads and chicken for the Region 4 Benefit Ride this weekend, that I can't drink gatorade on my current plan. It has too much sugar and would totally throw off my sugar levels. Oops...glad I thought of it before I cracked open a bottle. I have Dynamite Elixir and that's what I'll use instead, but I'm really happy I thought it out ahead of time. It would be just like me to screw up accidentally, not really planning and sabotage myself.
Tonight Liberty tried to choke on me again. Well, I guess he did more than try. It lasted longer than usual, and I even called the vet b/c he didn't pass it like he usually does. Normally, he'll cough a little and go right back to eating, but not tonight. I used all my Dynamite remedies (relax and release) and that usually does the trick, but tonight I cold water hosed him. IT seemed like he coughed most of the stuff up right away, but he kept having spasms for a good while after. Eventually he started bossing Toots around and I knew he was OK. I left him in the round pen with no food and lots of water tonight. He'll be itching to get out by morning. I can never let him have even one bite of dry food. I hadn't soaked it. Usually I add a little water after I give it to him, but tonight just shows that he can't take even one bite without it being mush.
I cheated on my diet tonight...I'm not normally a stress eater. I didn't eat while I was stressed, but since I have started Medifast I have been eating in a very organized way. I wasn't home and didn't have an extra meal with me. I ate 6 almonds and a handful of "trucker's trash", but I stopped there and didn't keep going. I was just so hungry at the time, but of course, it was probably relief at Liberty being OK too.
I spent part of the evening making my meals for the weekend. I proportioned my chicken and packaged it for the cooler. I packed double so Maggie could have some if she wanted it, plus a little extra if I found I was just too hungry not to eat real food. I'm bringing cans of green beans for my cooked veggie fetish, though I really hope there is something at the potluck I can eat on Saturday night. I have salads packs for both days. I also made salads for Maggie. She isn't so keen on salad, but if it's all there is, she'll eat it. She's lost a couple pounds too, since I started the diet b/c there isn't a lot of junk around. I guess she'll have to finish off the rice krispy treats in the truck :-) Love those things!
Off to bed. I have to get up early so I can go let Liberty out of the round pen tomorrow before work.
One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Weigh In
My weigh in netted me a total loss of 8 pounds this week, my first week on the plan. I'm not sure it really was a full 8 pounds b/c they weighed me on one scale, and maybe I was wearing heavier clothes? Not really sure. But from now on, I'm going to wear the same clothes each Tuesday till I can't wear them anymore, to get an accurate reading. I'm pretty excited. I'm not in ketosis yet, as a couple of my "cheats" are keeping me out of fat burning, so this week, I will watch my extras a little better. I'm still taking in less than 80 grams of carbs each day, so I suspect my body is just a bit resistant.
I got 7 boxes of food today. I decided to get a box of snacks for the trail and a box of oatmeal for variety. Turns out I can make muffins with the oatmeal, which I will probably do for the ride this weekend b/c that will make an easy breakfast. I also got some crunch bars, which I will save for the weekend. They tell me the cappacino is good, so I'm trying that also. And I got a box of banana pudding. If I don't lose enough weight this week with the higher calorie items (these are 110 vs 90) I will drop back next week and try to have something a little lower, like more shakes.
I asked them what I should do about the weekend since I will be expended so many calories riding. Their answer was not to do it. I told them that wasn't really an option! So, I can have an extra snack, or an extra shake or eat more veggies...but no carbs. sigh...I'm going to be missing bread, but it's ultimately worth it.
I realized I never blogged about Robber's Route. I will try to rectify that later.
Off to get a new tire for my trailer. Fun, fun.
I got 7 boxes of food today. I decided to get a box of snacks for the trail and a box of oatmeal for variety. Turns out I can make muffins with the oatmeal, which I will probably do for the ride this weekend b/c that will make an easy breakfast. I also got some crunch bars, which I will save for the weekend. They tell me the cappacino is good, so I'm trying that also. And I got a box of banana pudding. If I don't lose enough weight this week with the higher calorie items (these are 110 vs 90) I will drop back next week and try to have something a little lower, like more shakes.
I asked them what I should do about the weekend since I will be expended so many calories riding. Their answer was not to do it. I told them that wasn't really an option! So, I can have an extra snack, or an extra shake or eat more veggies...but no carbs. sigh...I'm going to be missing bread, but it's ultimately worth it.
I realized I never blogged about Robber's Route. I will try to rectify that later.
Off to get a new tire for my trailer. Fun, fun.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Nice riding, almost one week
I weighed this morning and it looks like I will be getting in my full five or six pound loss tomorrow I think. I'm so happy. I can see where my sodium was really high before and how that was really holding me up. I'm logging all my food in sparkpeople and it wouldn't allow me to lose 65 pounds by February 23. I had to move the goal out to May 23 before it would give me a calorie range of 1200-1400.
Tonight I made the best chicken for dinner! I put lemon pepper on it and lemon juice. At the end I'm made a sauce of white wine and I thickened it tiny bit of flour. It was really, really good. I also sauteed mushrooms and zucchini together. I only used a tiny bit of the sauce b/c this diet is low fat and low carb, so I don't want to mess up my fat burning. After dinner I had my treat of a sugar free popcicle.
Today I realized how much Peter's boredom eating has affected me. He will go into the kitchen and start prowling. I never realized that I would often get "hungry" along with him. He would prowl, I would think about what time it was, or start thinking about eating. Last night he was doing it and I asked him if he was hungry. He wasn't, but he wanted food. He went after the chocolate chips in the cabinet. I asked him not to eat them b/c Maggie was going to use them to make cookies.
I'm finding that it's really a lot easier not to eat at all, even when hungry, than to try to regulate my eating. I'm learning again that I need less food than I thought I needed in the past.
We had a great ride at Six O today. We left Fiera alone in the pasture and she didn't go nuts and break any fences, so that was great. She's learning to be independent at an early age.
Tonight I made the best chicken for dinner! I put lemon pepper on it and lemon juice. At the end I'm made a sauce of white wine and I thickened it tiny bit of flour. It was really, really good. I also sauteed mushrooms and zucchini together. I only used a tiny bit of the sauce b/c this diet is low fat and low carb, so I don't want to mess up my fat burning. After dinner I had my treat of a sugar free popcicle.
Today I realized how much Peter's boredom eating has affected me. He will go into the kitchen and start prowling. I never realized that I would often get "hungry" along with him. He would prowl, I would think about what time it was, or start thinking about eating. Last night he was doing it and I asked him if he was hungry. He wasn't, but he wanted food. He went after the chocolate chips in the cabinet. I asked him not to eat them b/c Maggie was going to use them to make cookies.
I'm finding that it's really a lot easier not to eat at all, even when hungry, than to try to regulate my eating. I'm learning again that I need less food than I thought I needed in the past.
We had a great ride at Six O today. We left Fiera alone in the pasture and she didn't go nuts and break any fences, so that was great. She's learning to be independent at an early age.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, Day 5
Today started out in a big rush. Jena spent the night with Maggie and I had to get the girls out for church at 8:30. The a/c was busted in the sanctuary. So, it was warm. Jena was sleepy and the pastor overheated. They had the second service in the fellowship hall, where the a/c was working. Peter was the assistant minister for today's service and he was also cantor. He did a great job. His tone quality and pitch memory are coming along as he becomes less nervous with the job.
I decided to eat lunch today instead of summer. It worked out well, but I did eat a little more, and a few things off plan. I still only totaled 1100 calories for the day and I did walk for 20 minutes, so I'm hoping that will counter act some of what I ate that wasn't correct. WE went to our favorite hamburger joint. I had a mushroom swiss burger, hold the bun. I added extra mushrooms, ate no fries and had a side salad. It was very satisfying. We ate about 2pm and I wasn't hungry for a shake until about 6:30. I still have one more shake to go, which I will have before bed. I'm proud of myself b/c I didn't eat any bread or any of Peter's french fries even though he offered me one. At this point in the game I'm better off not eating anything sweet or carby. I like that stuff way, way too much.
When we went to check on the horses, we found that the horses behind us were in our field again. I walked over to find out who I needed to talk to get the fence fixed, but no one who lives in the house has anything to do with the pasture. I called the girl who used to be behind me, and she said she'd try to round up some phone numbers, but not to hold my breath. Peter and I fixed the fence with what we had to fix it...at least they will have to go through a solid object to come over now. But, I do worry someone will get hurt. I don't want mine going over there anymore than I want them over at my place. I have hay, so they are coming over to eat my hay. If it keeps happening, I will probably lodge a complaint with the police department. I'd really rather not do that if I don't have to. It won't engender good will.
Maggie went to Hurricane Harbor with a friend's daughter and had a nice time. Peter and I came home and watched an old British Comedy we like called Allo, Allo. It was funny. Now I'm procrastinating writing my notes by writing in my blog. I need to be going through the laundry on my bed as well. I don't see myself doing that either.
Tomorrow Maggie and I will go riding with our friend Robin at Six O Ranch in Cleburne. I may be buying some fencing to fix the back just in case my friends come back over yet again. Maggie will do her math in the car while we drive. It's going to be such a nice day tomorrow.
I weighed on the Wii fit this am and I am down 5.3 pounds since last Tuesday when I weighed on the Wii before going to Medifast. That was really exciting!
I decided to eat lunch today instead of summer. It worked out well, but I did eat a little more, and a few things off plan. I still only totaled 1100 calories for the day and I did walk for 20 minutes, so I'm hoping that will counter act some of what I ate that wasn't correct. WE went to our favorite hamburger joint. I had a mushroom swiss burger, hold the bun. I added extra mushrooms, ate no fries and had a side salad. It was very satisfying. We ate about 2pm and I wasn't hungry for a shake until about 6:30. I still have one more shake to go, which I will have before bed. I'm proud of myself b/c I didn't eat any bread or any of Peter's french fries even though he offered me one. At this point in the game I'm better off not eating anything sweet or carby. I like that stuff way, way too much.
When we went to check on the horses, we found that the horses behind us were in our field again. I walked over to find out who I needed to talk to get the fence fixed, but no one who lives in the house has anything to do with the pasture. I called the girl who used to be behind me, and she said she'd try to round up some phone numbers, but not to hold my breath. Peter and I fixed the fence with what we had to fix it...at least they will have to go through a solid object to come over now. But, I do worry someone will get hurt. I don't want mine going over there anymore than I want them over at my place. I have hay, so they are coming over to eat my hay. If it keeps happening, I will probably lodge a complaint with the police department. I'd really rather not do that if I don't have to. It won't engender good will.
Maggie went to Hurricane Harbor with a friend's daughter and had a nice time. Peter and I came home and watched an old British Comedy we like called Allo, Allo. It was funny. Now I'm procrastinating writing my notes by writing in my blog. I need to be going through the laundry on my bed as well. I don't see myself doing that either.
Tomorrow Maggie and I will go riding with our friend Robin at Six O Ranch in Cleburne. I may be buying some fencing to fix the back just in case my friends come back over yet again. Maggie will do her math in the car while we drive. It's going to be such a nice day tomorrow.
I weighed on the Wii fit this am and I am down 5.3 pounds since last Tuesday when I weighed on the Wii before going to Medifast. That was really exciting!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Medifast day 4 and a busy Saturday
I have been doing great so far. I have already lost about 5 pounds according to my home scales. Tomorrow I hope to weigh on the Wii fit before getting ready for church b/c it's the most accurate to go with the scales at the Medifast center. Today has been really hard. I have been hungry all day. I'm learning to just not eat. I spent a good deal of time cross stitching tonight and watching TV with Maggie and Jena. I cooked an early supper and have been sipping tea until I got hungry around nine, when I had my last shake. I'm consuming about 800 calories per day right now, so pretty small amounts. I did eat my extra snack today, which was a small sugar free snow cone. IT had about 15 calories in it. I'm learning that I don't need the huge amounts of food that I thought I did. I'm surviving quite well. I'm also discovering that while I'm not a stress eater, I'm definitely a boredom eater. I didn't even realize how much I liked to munch just b/c it was there. I definitely am learning what real hunger is. Knowing I have no options of what to eat is really comforting. I drink my shakes every 2-3 hours and I get hungry in between and it's just how it is. I washed my popcorn pan and there isn't any corn in the house (my biggest weakness) Maggie has been making s'mores in the microwave and that about did me in. I had Peter put the fixins way up high! I think that when I can have real textures again next week, it will be good. I'm a little nervous about the CTR next weekend b/c I'm going to expend more calories than I'm used to. I'm not sure how to handle that event and will have to talk to my counselor about it on Tuesday. I want to eat enough food to stay afloat for the exercise, but I don't want to "cheat" i want to have a plan.
The vet came today to check everyone's teeth and to vaccinate. It was pretty much a non-event. Thank goodness I didn't need any teeth floated. I almost have last year's bill paid off (I had a few extra medical road bumps along the way) and I hated to have to add anything else to it. But, we have travel plans coming up so everyone needed a coggins.
Jena came to hang out today and the kids worked out at the Y while the vet was in. I walked 20 minutes in the field, fixing fences, etc. The neighbor's horse, Pocono had come to visit again, but when I went to catch him, he ran from me, straight back into his own field. I think he just likes my grass better.
Tomorrow is church. Maggie may go to Hurricane Harbor with a friend. It's the last day they are open this year. I'm actually trying to expend as little energy as possible this first week, though hopefully by next week, I can start adding exercise back in. I'm missing it.
The vet came today to check everyone's teeth and to vaccinate. It was pretty much a non-event. Thank goodness I didn't need any teeth floated. I almost have last year's bill paid off (I had a few extra medical road bumps along the way) and I hated to have to add anything else to it. But, we have travel plans coming up so everyone needed a coggins.
Jena came to hang out today and the kids worked out at the Y while the vet was in. I walked 20 minutes in the field, fixing fences, etc. The neighbor's horse, Pocono had come to visit again, but when I went to catch him, he ran from me, straight back into his own field. I think he just likes my grass better.
Tomorrow is church. Maggie may go to Hurricane Harbor with a friend. It's the last day they are open this year. I'm actually trying to expend as little energy as possible this first week, though hopefully by next week, I can start adding exercise back in. I'm missing it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Medifast day 3.5
Today went really smoothly. I only drank 3 of my 5 shakes during the day. I never had that empty grumbling feeling that I have been getting, so that's pretty good. I'm sure with it only be 7pm, I will probably drink at least one more shake tonight, but I won't if I don't get hungry. I often don't eat after supper. I had a huge reality check today when I realized how much food I could eat and not eat that many calories if I just chose the right food. Of course, I suspect the right foods will get boring at some point. Today I had a chicken breast and zucchini and swiss chard all sauteed in 1 tsp of olive oil plus garlic cloves. I have already lost 2 pounds according to my home scales.
Medifast day 3
Today was a reasonably easy start. I think my body is getting used to the reduced calories. I had to have my bloodwork drawn, so it was 9am before I had my first shake and I feel pretty good. I have had my coffee and am getting ready to go see a client. I wanted to take Maggie with me, but she feels like being home, so I gave her reading to do and she is going to do a few house chores. I will be home early afternoon and then I have to take in my truck to have one of the tires repaired and go see another client this evening. It's been a productive week. Tomorrow we plan to go riding. I hope that I do ok with the reduced calories and increased exercise. Honestly, I'm prepared to eat a healthy snack if I need more food tomorrow...something like eggs or turkey, nothing high carb. I'll just have to play it by ear.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Medifast day 2
Yesterday was easy compared to today. I'm very hungry today and I can't shake it. Yesterday when I had a shake I was temporarily full, but not today. I drink my shake, run to the bathroom, drink lots of water and try not to think about how hungry I am. I'm very tired today and having trouble getting through my day. I am wishing i didn't have to go back out to see clients, but I have to. I'm just sooo hungry.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I started Medifast today. While I am a little nervous about such a radical change, I am rxcited about losing weight. I figure the fees for the program are cheaper than a heart attack.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Too many hours
I am currently blessed with a lot of work. So much so that I find myself a bit stressed and tired. I am homeschooling maggie,which I find is going well. However, the hours I work keep me from feeling as organized as I would like. She is doing a great job. At the same time I don't want to cut off any income streams. I am giving myself plenty of time to really decide well.
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Resuming my blog
I used to write in here all the time. I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...

I am working on my schedule for the new school year and I find that I am not happy with the way it is turning out. I have taken on some ext...
I have a goal for my summer. It's to eat as many different kinds of snow cones as possible before summer is over. So far I have had the...
This is the first, non-horse related vacation I have had..ever. I think...I did go to that drumming retreat but that was for CMTE's wh...