I have been working on my NATRC numbers for the ride this weekend. Maggie and I are both changing to open this year and my new assigned number is number 105. I cut out and ironed on numbers to my light jersey shirt, but decided that I would rather embroider the numbers on my sweatshirt and my tshirt, after I noticed that the required size was the same as the emboridery hoop. I'm doing a test on some royal blue fabric now and I plan to pin that on my royal blue poncho. I have four layers of numbers for the weekend: a long sleeved tshirt, a short sleeved jersey shirt, and a royal blue sweatshirt. Then I have a poncho that just happens to be royal blue.My goal is for everyone to be able to see my numbers.
Well, the embroidery was too small. It's supposed to be a minimum of 6 inches tall and it wasn't going to be.
Maggie is in her room studying for a Bible test. I'm glad b/c she was driving me nuts! She was reading all the material out loud and I couldn't' stand it. I had work to do too and her quoting and over analyzing Genesis and creation of the world was starting to be a bit much :-)

WE had a great holiday weekend. On Friday Maggie went to her friend's house and spent the night and went to the TCU football game. I went riding with friends and had such a nice time. It reminded me how I enjoyed pleasure riding and not always having an agenda. I did get to work on some gates with the help of several helpful people, and we all had our photos taken at the top of the mountain at Six O.

On Thursday, after we had Thanksgiving at church, we played with the horses and took a few photos: This is Fiera cantering on the longe line. She has begun to be worked for a few minutes 2-3 times per week...I'm trying to work on her naughty teenage attitude. I found out recently that the guys next door were charged by her when they came in the field to take their own horse back home after it had come over. I thought it was pretty funny when I heard the story. They are probably 20 years old or so. They said she was nuts!