I had the pleasure of getting to ride with Jennifer Masters this weekend. She had said that she wanted to ride alone earlier in the week so I was going to go out in the back by myself. But, after a series of trail mishaps which kept bringing us back together, she decided that riding together was OK. I let her go first on all the obstacles because she said her horse does better that way. It was fine with me. I need to practice going second, or last or whatever, since Liberty isn't very patient. This didn't go well the first day, but the second day he was more attentive while we waited. we had lots of opportunity to trot fast and canter. I can tell that his recent adjustment has put the sparkle back in Liberty as he never offered to buck or spook or misbehave in any way. I could not have had a better weekend. At the end of the weekend we were second in Horsemanship and First in Horse. We had respectable scores with some stupidity points for restlessness that would have been a killer in a bigger class...but at the end of the day, I'll take it. Management did a great job of taking care of everything. the food was great, the company fine! Well done!
One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Wimberley Wayfarer
I had the pleasure of getting to ride with Jennifer Masters this weekend. She had said that she wanted to ride alone earlier in the week so I was going to go out in the back by myself. But, after a series of trail mishaps which kept bringing us back together, she decided that riding together was OK. I let her go first on all the obstacles because she said her horse does better that way. It was fine with me. I need to practice going second, or last or whatever, since Liberty isn't very patient. This didn't go well the first day, but the second day he was more attentive while we waited. we had lots of opportunity to trot fast and canter. I can tell that his recent adjustment has put the sparkle back in Liberty as he never offered to buck or spook or misbehave in any way. I could not have had a better weekend. At the end of the weekend we were second in Horsemanship and First in Horse. We had respectable scores with some stupidity points for restlessness that would have been a killer in a bigger class...but at the end of the day, I'll take it. Management did a great job of taking care of everything. the food was great, the company fine! Well done!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Real Life NATRC skills
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Long day
The news is mixed. The Immediate problem is fixed but we have a couple thousand dollars in repairs for oil leaks to fix over the next six months. Nothing is immediate but it all has to be done. The parts aren't expensive but labor is high. The truck is leaking from the front and rear main seals, the oil pan, the valve cover gaskets, the rear pinion and then a separate repair to the transfer case. Fortunately it's an older truck and my mechanic says he can rebuild it himself rather than sending it to a transmission shop.
I asked the question of whether or not i should just buy a new truck but the realization that I would have to spend a lot money to get a truck nice enough to avoid the repairs I'm going through makes me realize that paid for is better. And I don't have to fix it this minute so I have time to prepare for the inevitable.
The day has been topped off with a repair to a flat trailer tire. End result no work out and no riding. Unless trimming fiera's back feet counts as my work out.
Alice Yovich
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Playing with Ponies
Then we went into the pasture and practiced trot out. He was so awesome to jog with. I practiced jogging and stopping and jogging some more. I finally turned him loose and he jogged and stopped with him, even though he wasn't in a halter or lead rope. It was so cute. He seems to really like being with me and I'm happy b/c I love being with him.
So, then I took Fiera out into the pasture to the same spot to work on the same thing. I know that she is a baby, but she is NOT as reasonable as he is. She is bossy and witchy when you push her to do something that she doesn't want to do. She is NOT scared of water, but she sure doesn't want to go through it. And when I use a whip, she is not OK with it. She gets mad! She did finally go through a short, shallow bit of water, but it took a lot of work and she was really pissed. I took her jogging in the pasture after the training too, and she really moves out. She is so smart, but I think she uses her intelligence for evil. she's not quite three, so I know part of it is just how old she is, but I'm not sure I'm tough enough to make this work...but I'm going to keep doing the work and pushing her to be the good girl I know that she can be.
Liberty had a free pass tonight. I fed him and groomed him and loved him a lot, but he didn't have to do any work. I love that horse!
Resuming my blog
I used to write in here all the time. I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...

I have a goal for my summer. It's to eat as many different kinds of snow cones as possible before summer is over. So far I have had the...
I am working on my schedule for the new school year and I find that I am not happy with the way it is turning out. I have taken on some ext...
This is the first, non-horse related vacation I have had..ever. I think...I did go to that drumming retreat but that was for CMTE's wh...