One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
One of those days
Then from there the day just went to heck. I was late everywhere I went, though I did get a really nice haircut. I also found out that a client I thought I was going to lose in a week is on for another month, so that's a good thing.
The agency I work for has experienced cuts to their specialized therapies so my schedule was going to reduce from 15 hours down to 13 hours anyway, but now it's going down to 12 and then 11...not enough. emotionally it's enough to keep me full up, but fiscally, i need more, steady income. The great part is that i have some other contracts that have really pulled through and I'm continuing to cultivate more new contracts all the time, so that my eggs aren't all in one basket.
Today is my mom's birthday. She sounded happy when I called her. I wish I could be there for her birthday dinner with my brother tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Lunch ideas
I need to figure out a healthier lunch option when I'm driving. I start with good intentions and end up eating fast food. I'm not anbig sandwich eater nor am I a huge salad eater. I need to come up with something I can take in the far or buy while I'm out that's going to be healthy. I don't have a microwave usually so it needs to taste good cold. I have been thinking that I need to find myself some places to eat that aren't fast food and/or I need to find a park or shady place so I can have a real lunch. I'm thinking that driving down the road eating isn't the best option for my overall diet. Medifast sure made this easier. |
Alice Yovich
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tracking apps
So, what apps are good for logging miles and speed? I like the idea of run keeper, but I didn't find it accurate. I like my footsteps b/c it logs my calories similar to what my fitness pal does.
Speaking of my fitness pal. I found a new app called Lose it that goes with a book by the same name. It gives me more calories and works along the lines of the BMR calculator that I learned about from listening to fat2fit radio. I'm pretty impressed so far with the idea that you shouldn't "diet" but should eat like the thin person you want to become. I have started losing again and I'm not working so hard. It's coming off more slowly, but that's OK.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Add testing
Testing was very simple. I had to do a series of puzzles , answer questions. The psychiatrist asked me familiar facts , math problems, and I had to do a personality and psychiatric disorder inventory. I found a psychiatric inventory particularly interesting. I was given a series of statements that I either had to say yes or no to. Many of the questions were phrased in the negative and made it very difficult to answer properly. For example, one of the statements was do you feel about many people talking about you behind your back? Or rather I feel like many people talk about me behind my back? Or maybe it was many people talk about me behind my back and laugh at me. Anyway, I understand the point of the question was to measure my paranoia about people are talking about me behind my back. How am i supposed to answer that question? Do I answer yes b/c people do talk about me behind my back or no so i dont look paranoid. What if there are people talking behind my back? Is it ok to admit it bothers me? There were also many questions about my drug alcohol use. I have a little Alcohol use and no drug use so I found the questions particularly amusing.
I return to the doctor in two weeks to get the results. I need to treated he might be.
Alice Yovich
Sent from my iPhone
so be excuse and be amused by typing errors.
I almost left the above post just like it Was with the amusing typos but decided not to. I attempted to blog through dragon dictation and was not successful
I'm curious of the test results. Many of the puzzle problems were hard as were the math. I had to sequence numbers forward, backward and in greatest to largest. I think I was better at organizing the numbers smallest to largest than either of the sequences. On the the sequencing when it got over 5 numbers I couldn't remember the ones in the middle.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Great ctr
The ride this past weekend was in the LBJ grasslands in Decatur, tx. It's a marvelous place to ride with more than 50 miles of trail. I don't get there often enough. Maggie and I arrived about 2pm and were able to find our favorite camping spot with ease. I got checked in for the natrc and Arabian horse ride (Liberty is a half Arab ) and Maggie played with her friends (though I guess at 14 they hang out, not play).
Saturday morning Liberty was massively upset at having been separated from Dixie. He was expressive in his defiance.I ended Up riding with corry key, a vet from Arkansas, and her awesome stallion, Zaliel. In this case two wrongs made a right and two badly behaved horses became well behaved friends on the trail. They paced perfectly and they were there for me when Liberty dumped me after spooking at a cow. (Corry is the author of a great book called Horses who Eat potatoes)
Sunday she had to pull and I was very sad. I have never had that much funon trail at a Ctr.
Texas two step ttc
on the first day, when I was judging, I had to very fun obstacles. The first obstacle was a very large date. Tenderfoot had to pass through the gate while keeping control of the gate at all times. Both Maverick and Horsemen how'd open the gate with the left hand back through the gate, close the gate. They had to keep control of the gate the entire time. Most everyone did this fairly well, but there are a few resources refused to approach the day. There were a few beautiful example of the opening. The second obstacle was a series of transitions. Tenderfoot had to make a walk trot whole transition, Maverick had to do a Tropicana hall transition, and Horseman had to do at canter halt canter transition. The tangelo cancer, when done well, is a beautiful thing. I was playing with it on Sunday, and discovered that liberty really enjoyed the challenge of it. Everyone seemed like they were having a really great time. We had good potlucks both nights, and some birthday cake for candy on Sunday. Maggie placed higher than she ever has before. She was third in the maverick adult class. She Juniored out last year, and is no longer riding with the juniors, who ride tenderfoot. The next one is at Waco's lacy point. It will be held in the second to sorry third week of October. I hope everyone will come.
Alice Yovich
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hair color
Saturday, September 3, 2011
New Friend Saturday
I had planned to sew today and instead we're just enjoying watching old Eureka episodes and playing with Sims 3. I ended up ordering some new tights from Evelyn Allen at Just for Horsin-round and now I don't have to make my own. Maggie is making a pair of sleep pants for a friend and I'm going to help her with those. She got the pattern traced off, just like my mom, showed her. Then, while sitting on her knees she got her right knee cap stuck again. this hasn't happened in 6 months, but I see a trip to the orthopedist in our future. I came to realize that it had been a couple weeks since I'd sat still and I decided to just enjoy myself today and be lazy!
Friday, September 2, 2011
I am tired
Alice Yovich
Sent from my iPhone
Resuming my blog
I used to write in here all the time. I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...

I have a goal for my summer. It's to eat as many different kinds of snow cones as possible before summer is over. So far I have had the...
I am working on my schedule for the new school year and I find that I am not happy with the way it is turning out. I have taken on some ext...
This is the first, non-horse related vacation I have had..ever. I think...I did go to that drumming retreat but that was for CMTE's wh...