Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer's end

I can not believe this summer is over. Maggie has gone back to her dad's and starts her 2nd year of High school tomorrow.  I can't believe, looking up at my taller than me daughter that she is going to be old enough to drive in a week. She is not really looking forward to school. She doesn't have any of her friends in any of her classes...they will all be hard--AP classes--and she is going to run track. She has joined the choir for this year, which may be fun, if she doesn't die from stage fright.

It is quiet in the house and I know it will remain so until next weekend. I like the quiet...Peter and I don't watch much TV so often the only sound is us occasionally sharing something back and forth and his games from the other room. I often come into the bedroom with my laptop to hang out near him, so we don't have to shout from room to room. (our a/c window units can be loud).  It's so different from when I was a kid. We were always coming and going. It's as though she has already gone off to college in many ways.

Maggie will be 16 next week and she is taking her driver's test the day after she has her birthday. She would take it on her birthday, but since her birthday is on Labor day, that won't work so much. She really wants her own car. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to earn much money toward her car because of her age. She doesn't like to babysit and hasn't had a lot of opportunities to work.  She is saying that cash donations will be welcome on her birthday so she can put it in her car fund.  She will get a job or find a way to start earning money toward her car. I worry about how much insurance is going to run, but I know we will figure it out. She is wanting her own car so badly, but so far everything she and I like one of the dads does not, so we keep looking. It will either come down to Shawn finding something he wants to buy her or me finding something I can afford. We aren't arguing about it; far from it, but we have different perspectives. I like the cool, older model cars that Maggie likes. Shawn wants her to have something modern and reliable.  I think she and I both wax whimsical about that first vehicle.  When she has no school, she pretty much goes where she wants.  If she gets tired of being here, she goes back there. It's one of the reasons she's looking forward to driving and being allowed to drive. She can come over here during the week and ride her horse, or hang out for an evening and then go back to school in the morning. She has been successfully driving us back and forth to Azle. I'm proud of her. 

This was a great summer. We didn't go anywhere really...just a few weekend trips. We went with Annette to Tarrant Ranch (which is unfortunately where poor Frankie got beat up so badly and was the beginning of the end of him) . I met up with Bambi at Lake Somerville (which was a really long drive) and we rode for a couple days. Then Maggie and I both went to C-bar stables and road with Tracy Black to help her get ready for Colorado. Then the big finish was the JUGGS weekend with Kate Love, Nancy Williams, and a slew of our other favorite people.  I tried not to over plan our summer. I hope that I succeeded.  I was disappointed that we never got a whole PJ day to watch TV. We still have most of the last season of Castle on the DVR.  I tried to plan a PJ day last week, but I ended up having to see clients, take her to the chiro, took her shopping, the end it was just a lot to get done. 

I am wistful to see summer go. The kids go back to school, I start working evenings again, but I gain a morning to do things with friends some weeks.  I haven't had time to do that in over a year.  I heard about some new clients up for grabs and I sent a prompt email...Here's hoping and praying i get at least one, but would happily take all three.  And the fall is full of adventure.  I'm going to take a class in Music therapy assisted childbirth. Thanks to Annette, I'm now friends with Christina Rider who has said I can stay with her if necessary while I take the class in Lincoln, NE the end of October.  So far, I'm pretty excited about the class, but other people have looked at me skeptically.  I figure we only know 2 things in life and that is being born and dying, so I think that there is a market out there waiting to be tapped. So far NO ONE in Texas is certified (at least we don't think so). I'm going to build a new business with my old one and make sure that I always have enough work...I have plans...

This fall will be busy. Lots of rides to attend, trainings to attend (I'm also taking a training for LegalShield so I can go to businesses and sell the product in the group and small business setting) I have fewer clients than I would currently like, but I have finally grown to appreciate not overworking myself. I have some caregiving to do with one other kid if that works out doesn't pay a ton, but it does help me have a few extra dollars toward gas and stuff.

I guess that's about it. As usual I'm going to sign off reminding everyone to look at my LegalShield Site

Resuming my blog

 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...