One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
Friday, April 25, 2014
A homeless person mowed my lawn
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Worst workout ever
Monday, April 14, 2014
Pole canyon ranch NATRC ride
This weekend my daughter, Maggie, and I got to ride in one of our favorite places, Pole Canyon Ranch. We had pur semi-annual Natrc ride there and it was such a pleasure to see the Barefields. The rode aside, they have built a bathhouse and told us it was because of us. I don't know if it was or not but the showers were a delightful addition to an already wonderful place.
Alanna, the ride manager always does a fabulous ride and this was no different.
We were supposed to take a first time competitor with us but she had jury duty and was unable to go. As a result we headed to weatherford to deliver her horse home and then decided to keep on going. We stopped on Wichita falls for supper and then kept driving to Childress. Turns out another friend had the same idea so we had a nice layover at the high school rodeo Arena.
Friday we made it into pole canyon ranch and discovered that we could use pens at the ride. This was great news. We don't mind a bit to camp at the trailer but since the camp ground is close it was great to have that options.
The weather for Saturday was predicted hot and windy. We were warned to drink extra water because it would be far dryer than we felt like it was. The horses did great in spite of the heat and I can honestly say I felt better than I ever have at the end of a day's riding. I'm sure its because I have been working out and I drank enough water. Other people, especially some open riders, were on the trail longer and faster and looked hot and tired on their way back.
Sunday was cooler but still surprisingly hot. Liberty lost a p&r point for respiration which has only happened one other time. Of course as an Arabian he was better than most, including Maggie's horse.
The obstacles were a great mix of observation and set up with my favorite being an in hand side pass to a mounting block and off side mount. Liberty was set up perfectly and then moved and had to do the obstacle a second time which cost points. We did well on a hidden downhill. For one of the first times ever I beat my horse. I thought that I would be bested by maggie and was sad that she rode so well and didn't score better.
I had a close encounter with a rattlesnake on Sunday. Liberty was walking along and we heard a loud rattle close to his his hind left leg. He was fine but I moved him over as quick as possible while my friends went back to take a photo. I could not get out of there fast enough.
Resuming my blog
I used to write in here all the time. I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...

I am working on my schedule for the new school year and I find that I am not happy with the way it is turning out. I have taken on some ext...
I have a goal for my summer. It's to eat as many different kinds of snow cones as possible before summer is over. So far I have had the...
This is the first, non-horse related vacation I have had..ever. I think...I did go to that drumming retreat but that was for CMTE's wh...