I have been contemplating my state of old friends over the last few days. I still have people I miss from my old life. They are not bad and I am not angry with them as much as I am sad they have chosen not to include me in the present. It has been a hard lesson to learn they are part of the past and not part of my future. It has been hard to realize that others have been included over me. It has been tough to realize that some of these people think badly of me when I did not do them any harm. It is tough knowing people think that I would do anything to harm them. I'm not saying I haven't made mistakes because I know I have. But, I am amazed how some people act badly and stir pots and still come out smelling rosy. Each day I focus my eyes on the Lord, my husband, my church, my new life. However sometimes it's hard not to look back.
My life needs to belong to the Lord. It has to be about the future. We just found out our pasture is leaving us in a month. I have no idea who comes next but I am unbelievably sad. Jess McCabe has brought me back to church. Well, michael did but Jess has inspired me with his words and filled my heart with His word.
My life has gone in a new direction and continues to take me on a new path but sometimes I still miss those old friends and wish they would come back.
My life needs to belong to the Lord. It has to be about the future. We just found out our pasture is leaving us in a month. I have no idea who comes next but I am unbelievably sad. Jess McCabe has brought me back to church. Well, michael did but Jess has inspired me with his words and filled my heart with His word.
My life has gone in a new direction and continues to take me on a new path but sometimes I still miss those old friends and wish they would come back.