Saturday, December 19, 2020

I am a terrible present wrapper

I'm sitting here in my office wrapping presents.  I have always been a terrible present wrapper. I blame my father, who was also a terrible present wrapper. When we were kids he worked at a bank as a VP and had a secretary. Her name was Pat Estes and then later Patty (but I don't remember her last name) and they were beautiful present wrappers. Especially Pat, she was an amazing Present wrapper. Dad rarely did any of the actual shopping I think. I think he sent Pat to the store to buy the presents for my mom and they would appear under the tree wrapped for her and they were beautiful.  One year he actually went shopping. I honestly don't remember if he shopped for me or for me, but I remember he brought home a present and put it under the tree and it was the ugliest wrapped present I'd ever seen. I quickly said that it must have been dad wrapped.  He agreed that yes, he had indeed wrapped that present himself.  He thought it was funny, so I must have been wrong enough that saying the present was dad wrapped was cute. But after that it kind of became a thing. He would dad wrap at least one thing a year after that. 

Over the last few years, I'm pretty sure his wife, Shirely did any wrapping, but usually our gifts came in gift bags.  So no dad wrapped presents...but there is one thing we always got for Christmas that required no wrapping and that was "the coin" Even last year before Dad was put on the ventilator (a year ago tomorrow) He reminded Shirley to be sure and get the coin for our Christmas. The doctors had told Dad it would be temporary and he believed with all his heart he'd be around at Christmas but he knew that the days the bank would be opened were numbered so he had to make sure we got our coin...and we did.

This is the second Christmas without him, but the first Christmas that it has really sunk in.  Mostly I have been ok, except when some sweet person asks me if I'm ok and then I have to think about it and I get sad all over again. Like just now wrapping presents and remembering how bad I am at it.  Christmas will arrive and I will keep the tradition of the cinnamon roll...I didn't do it last year. I was just too sad. Dad left us on the 23rd as we drove home from Missouri, and then we have had such a crazy year since. So, I'm determined to get back into the swing of things. Dad loved Christmas and I'm determined not to be sad. 


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

this past weekend

This past weekend we went to Bell Cow lake for a competition. I was to be the leisure judge and Mike was the safety chair (which means, he was the sweep rider behind everyone to make sure no one got lost or helped people if they had a problem). We went Thursday and it was going to be a mini vacation for us to relax and ride some pretty trails.  Friday we got up and took our ride, hung out with our friends and about 4 I was thinking about just kicking back and chilling in my chair, maybe napping, because our ride meeting was at 5:30 and dinner was at 7.  I was making a drink at the back of Mike's truck and I heard another competitor call to her horse telling him to stop. Her saddle had slipped when she was mounting and he took off bucking across the camp ground. He kept circling and bucking with his saddle getting beaten to heck and he circled toward us.  I walked toward him thinking I could cut him off, but I was still a long way away. I was looking at it like a pool game, thinking if he kept going this way I could go that way etc.  About that time I saw Voodoo, who was in a really good pen, rearing up and go over the gate, but she didn't make all the way and got hung on a 2 3/8 inch post and it impaled her right behind the udder.  I saw blood dripping down the post and just knew she was bleeding out from her femoral artery.  Immediately all of my friends (and my husband who was right there and saw everything too) were there to help.  she was hanging by the skin on the back of her leg and it's amazing it didn't go all the way through her leg.  The entire camp mobilized to help. We had meds and were able to get them in her to calm her down. The vet for the ride came over and thank the Lord we had a ton of men with tons of tools in camp for this ride.  Mike always has more tools than anyone would think necessary, but I will never again complain. My girlfriends took me away because I was a wreck...In the end they were able to bring her down and they tried to keep the post in place but it came out.  She did not nick an artery and apparently did not break any bones, but she has torn muscles.  We took her to the premiere equine vet hospital in the area and they were amazed but it looks like, barring a few potential complications (muscle infection, laminitis in the good back foot), she will be ok. In the meantime one of the men helping, also named Mike, broke his ankle when she rolled on him trying to get up, but he had surgery and they think he will be ok too.  I picked her up yesterday in Edmond and we took her to a place a couple hours from me where they do wound rehab and they will get her along as best they can.  Many of my friends from the ride donated some money to help with her expenses, including the lady with the misbehaving horse who I in no way blame.  One of my friends said I should probably put her down from a financial standpoint but I can't. She is too good a horse and takes such good care of me that I just can't do it. I know my dad would be having a fit spending all this money on "just a horse" and the thought did occur to me too that if his estate ever gets settled and I actually end up with anything I might just have to use some of this money to save the horse lol.  (I don't know if I ever told you but Maggie spent part of what he gave her buying a really nice horse and a trailer) So, this is my update for now. I just wanted to tell you what was I have to go to work to earn some money to pay some vet bills. And I will enjoy every minute of it.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lemonade from Lemons

I have a bit of optimism and hope for the day. I almost feel guilty feeling happy about The stressful time that we are going through as a nation. However this is my current Takeaway. This is going to be long so I warn you.

I have been wanting to do something different for a while. I have not been doing anything different than what I know which is music and massage therapy with handicapped children and adults. I do love my work and I am missing it though not to the extent that I thought I might.  It’s not that I am not missing my clients in particular it’s that I am not missing driving to temple in Killeen in Waco etc. every day somewhere else.  I have not been into town in over three weeks and I cannot say I have missed it a little even a little bit..  Ironically today I am out driving delivery groceries and food with favor in Gatesville but that somehow feel differently because I’m still home.

Also yesterday Michael Perryman found out that he was going to be getting A lot of new contract from the lady he works for. It is enough contracts but I may not have to go back to driving longer distances that I have been driving. I very well may be able to give massages locally and develop my music therapy clientele locally.  I am going to be doing the paperwork and office work for our business. I have said out loud many times in the last six months that this is what I would like to do.  When they have the next class for maintenance I’m a go take that class as well.

Of course the full impact of the situation has not hit me yet because I still have two more trucks to come. However I am hoping that with a little belt tightening and a lot of grace from the world things will keep going and possibly even improve on what they are currently. And of course I will be working on my home business of health and wellness products.

God is good all of the time all of the time God is good!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Feeling the Strain

Today I am dealing with my loss (potential loss) from all this Covid-19 stuff. I signed up to do the Harry Whitney clinic for this year. I paid my deposit in January. I have diligently saved my money to pay for the clinic. Now, with Trump recommending isolation through the end of April I don't know if I should spend that money I so diligently saved to do this clinic.  Well, that's not true. I know that I should NOT spend the money to do the clinic, but I don't want to be that person who quits. I also don't want to be the person who can't pay my bills.  I wish I were more in a position like my dad was when we were growing up. I know he was out of work a few times but I never really noticed that we didn't have money b/c I'm sure we had savings.  I have friends that are either retired or able to work and the money won't be a thing for thing.  Three years ago I was supposed to go and had to back out b/c of money. I was so careful to make sure I could do it this time.  I'm still planning to at this moment but Michael and I talked last night about the folly of spending that money right now when I don't know if I will be able to work more than 6-7 hours per week till the end of April.

Let's be clear...I'm really enjoying not working.  But I won't when two weeks from now I have a two week dry spell of money in the middle of the month b/c Mike's checks don't come till the end. I did work two hours last week. And I will work about 5 this week, but that's not nearly enough.  Spending a week's income on a 5 day riding clinic never made a lot of sense, but it was doable with planning. Now, not so much.  I don't want to be the one who was unreliable. I worry that they won't let me sign up again. I think there may not be another chance to do an intensive clinic like this one is.  I want to do it so badly.

I keep hoping it will get cancelled on it's own and that I won't have to make a choice.  And I know this is a really dumb thing to be sad about right now with everything going on.

I think I'm probably going to have to cancel my competition in May too. I just don't see how we will be ready to go again that fast after our social distancing is removed. 

So, today I am sad.  I'm going to do my paperwork and turn in my two hours and hit the sales train. We have two days to finish getting Sharon her bonus and I'm so wanting it to happen.  Cross fingers and wish me luck

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Horses in the time of Covid-10

So the title was kind of a play on the book (which I haven't read) Love in the time of Cholera.  Ok, that is all I have...

Sorry, I just turned on Fox news and they are saying they want to get the economy back to running and I'm wondering how that will work. I'm wondering how I can do massage by telehealth or if it's even possible. I'm wondering if I can do video to help people massage the folks around them and I wonder if I'm allowed to charge for that? I had been wanting to do a music therapy conferencing over the internet for birth music and bereavement music therapy, but I did not have a platform in place. I don't know how to do it now with no one working consistently or feeling like they have money. We already know that DSSW won't let us count telehealth toward our work hours which really stinks.

So...I have horses who need training and working and today FINALLY it's warm and sunny. I spent an hour outside today doing horse chores and another hour getting stormy mud free and doctoring an old wound that has already started to heal over.  She is so good. I can hardly wait till she is my company for riding I just wish she was gaited. We worked in a bosal just getting her to turn her head and not back up when pressure was on her face. I also did the same in a bit. She is so bright and after she got it both directions a few time I stopped.

I really want to work Voodoo today later, but right now she and Joe bob ran out with the herd. I'll try to get her back in this evening.

Is anyone else having trouble remember what day it is?

I know I had more to write when I was walking around outside, but now that I'm in here listening to Fox news all my thoughts have gone out the window...More later.

Please subscribe to my work blog at and please talk to me about my awesome weight loss products b/c sales is all I have right now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hanging in There

Well life has sure taken a turn this week. Two weeks ago we were planning on having raising the bar at cbar stables and today we are all sitting at home, not completely sure that we are carrying on right. I haven't been sure if I should see clients or if I should stay home or not. Some of my clients have cancelled and I cancelled on others. I know that everyone thinks they are healthy so it's hard to know if I we are healthy or if we really should stay apart. I love to be home, but having to stay home feels weird. I keep second guessing myself on what I should be doing.

I'm trying to get my home business going more while I'm stuck here at home. I have a plan and I have been trying to work it but dang sales are slow...most people are nervous to buy or commit right now and I can't say that I blame them.

So I am doing a bunch of online training for network marketing, I'm doing cmte classes and I'm doing my thai yoga and doula class. I'm now getting a telehealth business set up. I have set up a professional website and blog.

I launch my new office in Gatesville on April 1, so hopefully I'll be filling in the gap in the mean time.

I hope that I am going to get back to blogging more. but, it's time for a webinar, so I'm going to fly.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Weird dream from 2013

Ok, so I had a long post about my weird dreams and my sleeping OK between coughing and it's vanished.  so here goes again.  I dreamed that I needed to keep looking for Bonnie, but then remembered in the dream that I didn't have to look for her anymore.  sad, but real :-(  Then I dreamed that there were cute little furry creatures who (i guess like zombies) would turn you into one of them if you touched them. I was trying to stay away from them when one brushed my leg. I started to mutate into one of the creatures and as I was transforming I was sad because I realized I would never be able to  talk to anyone again because everyone shunned the creatures..but I would retain 100% of who I was inside.  I don't know if the creatures talked to each other or not, but I woke up in a chilly sweat. I didn't like that dream at all.

Resuming my blog

 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...