Why is it when I'm standing in my kitchen doing dishes, I can think of fun, clever and witty things to write. Then, when I sit down to actually do the writing, much of it flies out my head?
I wanted to post a picture of my new horse trailer. I'm very proud of it. Ok, I realize it doesn't look like much, but I am really happy with it. My old trailer was much older (built in 1984 and rusty) and half the size. I had trailer envy for years of people who could pack up to go on any kind of ride and have all their stored in the trailer and ready to go. Now I have that too! It's very fun. I still have some bins at the house that I have to put in my truck each time I go camping, but it's so much cooler to leave the horse stuff at the barn and the house stuff at the house. When I come back late from a CTR I don't have to worry that my saddles will be stolen from in front of my house b/c I didn't want to completely unpack my trailer at 2am. It has a tack compartment and since it's really a four horse and I never haul more than 2 horses, I always have room for extra stuff.
It was really fate how I got this trailer. One of my friends emailed and said she was selling her trailer and was I still interested in it. So, I put my old trailer on Craig's List and asked $1500 for it, which was also the asking price of her trailer. I had taken really good care of the old trailer, and with metal being so high, I felt OK about the price. I figured worse case scenario someone might make me an offer. One Sunday morning a couple came by to see it. They drove it around the block and came back and handed me money. I was shocked! I drove to Arkansas to meet my friend and picked it the same day.
On the subje
ct of Cat adventures...I have this cat (pictured here) Her name is Daisy and I love her dearly. A couple weeks ago she got in my neighbors vending truck and was gone all day. I didn't realize she was gone b/c she is in and out all the time anyway. She hopped out of the truck at a vending stop, and my neighbor didn't know she was my cat, but knew she belonged to someone in the neighborhood. That night she came over and asked me if I had a grey cat, which I did...so we went looking for her. Remarkably she was where she had let herself off the truck. When she heard me calling she came running to me and clung to me all the way home. She hasn't beenfar away since. I guess she likes us and prefers to live with us.
This w/e I"m going to a CTR in Cass County, TX. I'm trying to decide what stuff to take. I know it's only Tuesday, but if I don't plan ahead Friday always creeps up on me and then I'm surprised that it's time to leave. Each day I have a task designed to help me get ready to go out of town. Today. I'm preparing the rice for one of the dinners and making my list. Tomorrow I will go to the grocery store and to Walmart to pick up some things I"m going to need. I will also pack my truck. Thursday I will go to the barn and pack my trailer. If it goes well Friday morning I will get up and get in my truck and hook up my trailer and leave straight away with no fuss...of course, I've never actually known it to be that easy.
Maggie and I biked this am for 30 minutes. Not a bad start.
1 comment:
I am glad you and Maggie got to bike. I wondered if she still knew how to ride.
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