I'm so sore today. I didn't know that it was possible to have muscle cramps to this extent from a few minutes of fun!
I was invited to go boating with one of my riding students and their family. We swam and then we were pulled on the knee board and then the inner tube. The pictures at the top of this post are of Maggie and myself in the water. Maggie was able to actually get up on her knees on the knee board. I discovered that I was not going to get on the knee board no matter how I pulled myself up.
I loved the tube! Of course, I feel off the tube several times, but it was still fun. I came off with such force that I lost the bottom to my swim suit...fortunately I was in deep water at the time. It was amazing to me how strong it was to get whipped back and forth across the wake of the boat. Maggie also did the tube and she loved it. She never fell off and eventually they reeled her so another person could have a turn.
We got home late, after midnight. Everyone was really tired and went straight to sleep, but not me. I hurt so bad, and I had so many upper body cramps I couldn't get comfortable. I tried to ice myself and that didn't work. I took 2 benadryl and that back fired and just made me more restless. I hurt to bad that I felt like I had restless leg. I thrashed and moaned and was just generally uncomfortable. I couldn't even watch TV I hurt so bad...I finally took a really hot shower and then managed to fall asleep. I slept till 10. I just started cramping up again so I took more aleve and got out the heating pad.
Not fair that so much fun can be so painful!
I have another Ebay rant...this week I listed some tights on ebay. I made these tights many years ago for a friend and she gave them back to me to be repaired. I fixed them but we never hooked up for her to get them back. I didn't charge her to repair them. I finally asked her if she even wanted them back b/c she's lost a bunch of weight. She said she didn't want them back and I listed them on ebay. I said in my description that I was going to sell them for a friend. It was my intention to give her the money. In process she saw the ebay listing and got angry that I was selling the tights she had given me. She emailed the person who bid on them that they were being sold illegally and that they were poor quality. The bidder had me cancel her bid b/c she didn't want to be in the middle of an argument. What this person did was illegal on ebay...badmouthing someone's product is frowned upon.
I can't believe how hateful this lady has been (the original tights owner, not the bidder) She is someone I used to be friends with. I don't really know where it went wrong, but she has become a really hateful person. I dislike how she acts so much that as a rule I avoid going anywhere that she is. I brought her into CTR and we used to travel together. Somewhere along the line I became annoyed with her. She wanted to control every riding opportunity we had, she was hard for me to camp with and I just began to avoid her. We have had some private email battles, but publicly I try to be polite to her even though it's obvious that we don't like each other very much but I can't say she does the same. She is one of the people who made negative comments about my video to a public list I'm on...she just seems set on ruining my fun...
I know that I need to learn not to care. I am really pretty sure I know my path, but I get rattled when people tell me I'm screwing up. I feel like I'm right, but then I worry that I'm making some tragic mistake that makes me listen to the people instead of telling them to go stuff themselves. I don't want to be one of those deluded people who won't listen to new ideas or can't learn from folks who may have more knowledge than me. I know that in this case, it's just that I don't believe that she knows more than me. I think she's mean spirited and petty. There are no civil conversations between us. I hate feeling like I"m seeking approval. I would so much rather be able just to tell these folks bugger off.
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