Written Monday and then forgotten:
I can't believe I haven't written anything since last Monday. Last week was so busy and I have been so tired at night I haven't written anything. Then I had some asthma flair up, ostensibly from having camped out in the cold night air on Friday night. However, since Peter is sick, it could be that I really am sick with a cold. IN any case, I took today off since I only missed two clients and the rest of the week was busy. I have no voice, and have been piddling on the computer all day. Maggie will be home soon and I'm going to get her started on packing for her CTR. I am planning to let her go out of town on her own to this ride with her friend Jennifer and her dad. I'm now starting to question weather or not I should do this and if I'm really delusional on what she can handle on her own.
The big news today is that it snowed! It has snowed as much as 6 inches so far in some places. I had to leave Springtown early b/c of the snow. They all laughed at me b/c they thought it was no big deal, but if I hadn't left when I did, I would have been so stuck. They ended up letting school out early, so I only missed one group after all. It was just insane.
I was supposed to get my hair cut in the am, see 3 more clients this afternoon....none of that happened. I got my hair cut today (looks great as always) and then I came home. Well, on the way home, I detoured by the Vietnamese grocery looking for a roasted duck. Unfortuantely, they were out, but I bought some yellow fin tuna and made an asian supper that I was very proud of. IT's been a long time since I cooked just for fun. I made peanut butter thai noodles and stir fry veggies and sesame seared tuna. I loved it all, but honestly, the noodles and veggies were just the best.
I suspect I won't be going anywhere much before 10 in the morning. It's supposed to taper off over night and then warm up dramatically. Maggie is going to the ride without me. She's all packed and they hope to shove off by about 6pm. I was going to bathe Freeley yesterday, but I'm glad I didn't bother as it's so nasty today he'd be filthy again.
It has been a really odd week. Maggie has been with her dad since Tuesday after school. Tonight, she is usually home, but went to a birthday party. I will pick her up in the morning and then take her straight to leave on the trip with Jennifer. I have not seen her all week, though we have talked on the phone. She's mentally and physically ready to do this ride, but I'm sorry I didn't plan to go with her. If I had known the weather was going to be too bad to see my kids for their lessons I would have bugged out and gone too. Liberty is ready if I take it slow. We'd have been fine.
Last weekend we went to a trail challenge. Maggie was the only junior and handled herself so well I decided to let her take Freeley to the ride this weekend. I have been torn all week thinking of what instructions to give her, and I decided just not to say anything. She knows how to ride and she'll be fine.
Liberty handled himself really well too. WE climbed an unscheduled hill and he did it great. He only ran me into one tree, but I think he spooked at a hidden judge. I discovered that he loves the water (too much since he wanted to lay in it) and he fidgets alot, but mostly he's going to be great. I have some good riding planned for this weekend too, but I want to be impulsive and just go with them. If I had known the weather was going to prevent me from teaching on Friday (most likely) I would have told the Sunday people that I was going to be out of town this weekend. IT's just not very responsible of me to just grab my horse and take off...but I confess I am tempted. All my stuff is packed. It would be so easy for me to just go for it...mmmm I think I am trying to talk myself into it. The ride sure does need the entries.
One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
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