I have always wanted to see one of my horses have her baby...and I still do. I missed Fiera's birth by just a half hour or so. We were heading to meet Cat for Maggie to go to Scarborough Faire. I asked her on the way by if she wanted to go by and see Deli before we met Cat. We opted not to, b/c she really wanted to go to the fair and if Deli was foaling we would be late to meet Cat...better not to know. WE got to the designated place to meet and discovered that Cat had texted me at 7:30, telling me that she wouldn't be there till 9am. We would have had time. After Maggie got hooked up with Cat, I went to feed and sure enough...there was the baby. Deli hadn't delivered the after birth, which tells me if we had gone by the hour before, we probably would have caught her delivering or about to deliver.
Peter took a ton of photos, which have already been posted, but I finally got to play with our new Olympus camera in the afternoon and this was one of the photos I liked the best. I will be posting more soon. Today I will take the camera with me as well to get some 5 day old photos.
Today we had a big scare with the fence this am. She got tangled in it and a nice man from the school next door saw that she was tangled and cut her out. I"m hoping this will scare her enough that she will stay out of the electric fence from now on. Part of it had come loose, and was shorted out by weeds. She is OK now, thank goodness.
Here is my favorite photo I took Sunday.

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