Today didn't start out looking like a very bad day...but it sure ended up that way. Today was supposed to be the day that the holistic vet looked at Deli so we could figure out what was "really going on" with her so I could see if we were going to be able to fix it.
I had breakfast with Cat and we moved the round pen so we could put electric fence around it (so that Merlin would quit pushing on it) We waited for the vet and the girls rode bareback in the field. At 10:22 I called the vet who was supposed to have been there at 10am and got no answer. He did finally call back around 11 and this is where the day began to go downhill.
The vet was a vet I had not used before, but one who came very highly recommended for Holistic Medicine. He was coming from Pilot Point, which is a little ways away and he had gotten hung up with other clients and was late. That wasn't a problem at all. He had directions. Over one and a half hours later he called to tell me he was in North Richland Hills which was close so I headed over to the field after dropping Maggie and her friend Jena at the pool. I called him again and he was in Irving...he had missed the turn through NRH and had gone on 121/183 instead of staying on 820 and was heading north again toward home. Not only was he lost, he was mad about being lost...and it was somehow my fault. He said he was on the George Bush going north and he would pull over and get his bearings and call me back for new directions...and then I never heard from him again. So, I set aside this day for him to come and I had high hopes of him seeing my horse and he never showed up and never called me again...and then it was MY FAULT that he couldn't read the directions. HE said it was my fault b/c I gave him different directions than the ones Mapquest gave him. I gave him really good directions, which he read back to me, and he still got lost. I checked Mapquest and I got the way I said to come if he'd had the address right...but I'm thinking that he only had mapquested from Pilot Point to Arlington. I felt terrible that he got lost, especially because I knew exactly where it happened, but then he wouldn't let me help him fix it and gave me "it must be your fault" attitude. And then in the end, he didn't show up nor did he call me again. I can completely understand his frustration. I just can't get over how unprofessional he was.
So, I went to sam's, I gassed up my truck, got our snacks and clothing that we needed, went back to turn Deli out (I had locked her up pending the vet visit, GRRR) Picked up the kids from the pool and was heading home...
Then I remembered (it was 4:30 by this time) that I had forgotten to get copies of some paperwork for my trip to Arkansas and I frantically got on the phone with Dr. Lampe's office (one of my normal, real, good vets) to get my paperwork started. I ran home to have it faxed to me, since we are leaving for our trip on find my printer didn't work anymore. It was over, I just cried and cried...for the second time that day. I cried when the other vet wouldn't come see my horse and started giving me attitude too. So then I had to run out to get more ink and hope that the fax machine had saved the last document in it's memory...which, fortunately it had.
By this time I was just really, really tired and I ordered pizzas for Maggie and Jena, drank a cold beverage and called it a day...only I still had to pack for the trip. sigh...Most of my stuff is packed up, but I think I'm done.
One woman's journey through life as she juggles career, family and horses...but mostly it's about the horses.
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