Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another day of sickness

I am so tired of feeling crummy. My nose is still a fountain and I have no voice. Try singing to the children with no voice recorded music. It doesn't hold their attention at all.

I think being sick might be worth it though. Liberty ended up in 4th overall for the season and except for the spooking which threatened to dislodge me, he performed very well. It's really hard to believe that a year ago he couldn't walk down a hill.

I am really proud of Maggie and Dixie who continue to show steady improvement. They had good scores and their partnership is growing. They make a nice team.

My next goal for Liberty is to work on his resistance to the bridle and continue obstacle work. Our next ride is a trail trial @ Teresa's on November 22 and I plan to concentrate on obstacle work until then. I would really like to make my english saddle work for us but I may have to just give in and go western for now, until I can afford the right english saddle. The wintec may have too much rocker to ever work.

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