Monday, August 18, 2014

Epic weekend fun!

This was the weekend of Juggs, the epic fun weekend put on by Kate Love and Nancy Williams.  As they called was a weekend full of horse recess.  I took Fiera because Liberty has been complaining about his back. She was so wonderful. We even went on the night ride.  She never took a misstep and she reminded me why I have hung on to her all this time. 

I'm having a hard time believing that summer is already coming to a close. I'm happy because of the heat, but I will miss the schedule.  During the summer I can be home at night and during the school year I do most of my work from 3-8 in the afternoon.  However, this year I have gotten Monday mornings clear so I can work a little longer on Tuesday-Thursday, but have an extra morning to recover from my weekends.  I can get to the store and do a little cleaning and just feel like I have some time to breathe. I can help Maggie with school work more on Mondays too which will be great.

I have enjoyed a quiet morning catching up from the weekend. I should have been writing an assessment, but I didn't do that either, just have rested and watched some TV. I like it. I like it a lot.

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Resuming my blog

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