Sunday, September 3, 2017

None for the moment

The top of the page asked me to put in a title. But I don't have one for this post.  The last week has been filled with a cold, and upper respiratory infection, more free time than anyone person should have, a fabulous birthday party for my daughter and love for my husband. I stayed home from church today because this chest cold has really been kicking my tush. I have been coughing and sniffling but mostly just coughing. I didn't. It want to inflict that upon anyone. That, with the lack of voice I have from singing too loud with carbon Leaf just made it better to stay home. 

Carbon Leaf...what fun they are. Maggie and I have loved their music since 2007'or before, ever since another music therapist mentioned them to me. The love has on,y grown through the years. We have gotten to see them twice and plan to go next year for their 25th anniversary tour. 

Maggie got her photo taken with the band because it was her birthday. 

We had a fun day. We went to Ikea. For her birthday she got a bar stool for her apartment and Mike changed her oil. She was able to do her laundry. I was able to to see her for a couple nights and it was fun and relaxed. 

I'm stressed about money though. I'm stressed BC I was sick all last week so the profitable week I should have had wasn't. This week should be though if I don't jinx myself. Every time I fill out my invoice before I do the work things go wrong. Something about counting those chickens or eggs or something. The money will work out. But I hate being stressed. 

Life is good here. I'm about to be able to start riding soon I hope. I go back for another X-ray on Thursday and then I hope I can start doing a few massages by the end of the next week. My plan is to start with 1-2 massages per day and then work myself up. It may be 6 months before I can see more than 3 or 4 people per day but it depends on my pain scale. Brandi has already helped with soft tissue tightness and range of motion. I'm hoping the doctor will refer me for PT or even OT if appropriate. 

I still find that I struggle to mesh my old life with my new life. While I am 100% happy living here and in my marriage I still miss parts of my old life. I miss the people I thought were mine. I occasionally miss being able to see friends on a whim. And then I realize how much I like my cocoon. And then I realize that none of that is important because I have the one person who is husband and best friend and he is the light of my life. Whatever people think I did or whatever I may have inadvertently done just doesn't compare to the nest I have here. Here I don't have to pretend. I don't have to over apologize, or watch every word and action. I know that here I am loved and cared for. I prefer relationships with real people instead of finding that I have been misunderstood time and time over. I find myself not asking people to do things anymore because I am told no, or they forget they said yes. I no longer need to be out and about. 

I ponder these things as Mike sits beside me. We have a 10 year old we have borrowed from church. Her mom works weird hours and she comes here to ride and hang out. She's a great kid and Dixie really likes her. I'm hoping to bring her along for NATRC next year. 

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Resuming my blog

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