Right now I've finished emptying the fabric from my shelves and I'm going through all the scraps. One of my friends does volunteer work for Meals on Wheels and they have an elderly lady who quilts and sews all day long. She likes donations of fabric, so I'm going to take a bag of fabric to my friend when I see her next week. This makes me so much happier than just throwing it away. And it's so much less work than trying to sell it on Ebay. As a result of my consolidation, we're getting rid of one book shelf that has been around for ages. I'm putting all my fabric in bins...mostly under the bed so that it will be a little more work to go retrieve my fabric, but it will be so much better for the clutter in my room. I'm in a period of cleaning things out and it's invigorating to remove baggage from my life! Maggie and I will have a little less work space, but we'll be able to move our family room back around the fireplace where we can enjoy comfortable family time.
The other reason I like to rearrange is that it gives me a chance to really clean. So, hopefully, the house will look nice when my mom comes to visit for Christmas.
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