Sunday, December 13, 2009

Quiet Sunday morning

Peter went to early service...Maggie and I will be going to the 11am service. She has confirmation class following the second service and I saw no reason to go to two services and a budget meeting to get to confirmation class. Peter really doesn't enjoy the second service, so I think he and Alexa will go to breakfast while Maggie and I are in church. Usually we prefer the first service for the liturgy, but today, we just didn't want to get up early.

Maggie, Peter and I went to a Christmas party at Amy and Corey Crane's house last night. It was a party they throw for Corey's son and other nieces and nephews in the family. I think Maggie was the oldest there, but she still had a great time. They played games and decorated cookies. There was good food...but I ate too many cookies. I know better. One leads to another...

We have decided to rearrange again...only I can't do it yet. I want to, but it's going to be a multi-step process. We're going to move our couch back into the family room...Maggie and I will have to clean out the room. We're going to paint the room, put in flooring and then put the room together. I have the paint already, so that won't cost anything but time. We're going to do inexpensive carpet...The big thing will be that we will probably be getting a flat screen once we get the decorating done. We hope to reuse our existing furniture as much as possible and we're going to get a new table so we can have a dining room again.

I was realizing the other day that i have lived in this house almost 8 years. I think the reason I don't get tired of the house is that we keep changing and rearranging to keep it fresh. I have grown tired of having so much stuff. That's what a lot of the rearranging will be about...just getting rid of stuff.

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Resuming my blog

 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...