Sunday, September 2, 2018

Lessons I’ve learned 

I do most of my best thinking when I’m driving. These are some of the things I’m thinking about.

  1. Just because I am nice to you does not mean that you were going to like me or be nice to me back. This has been a long hard lesson. Most of my life I have thought if I was kind and courteous that would automatically make somebody else kind and courteous. Not true 
  2. Because everyone speaks a different love language the way I express kindness and love to you may not be perceived as love by you. Sometimes when I am doing my best to be kind and helpful other people just perceive it as annoying.
  3. If you find that I am annoying but yet you don’t talk to me about it I can’t fix it. It may be that I choose not to fix it but I have no opportunity to grow or continue our relationship if you don’t communicate with me honestly. That said I know sometimes there are people that we just don’t like and that we prefer not to have to communicate with them at all. As painful as it is initially I still personally prefer just to know how things stand.
  4. Even though it is painful I prefer for people to be honest. Then I know how things are and I can quit embarrassing myself by putting my head up against a wall or attempting to have a relationship with that has no interest in having a relationship with me.
  5. Sometimes the people that you thought would be your best friends forever let you down. That is when it’s time to move forward make new friends and not look back.

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