Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lemonade from Lemons

I have a bit of optimism and hope for the day. I almost feel guilty feeling happy about The stressful time that we are going through as a nation. However this is my current Takeaway. This is going to be long so I warn you.

I have been wanting to do something different for a while. I have not been doing anything different than what I know which is music and massage therapy with handicapped children and adults. I do love my work and I am missing it though not to the extent that I thought I might.  It’s not that I am not missing my clients in particular it’s that I am not missing driving to temple in Killeen in Waco etc. every day somewhere else.  I have not been into town in over three weeks and I cannot say I have missed it a little even a little bit..  Ironically today I am out driving delivery groceries and food with favor in Gatesville but that somehow feel differently because I’m still home.

Also yesterday Michael Perryman found out that he was going to be getting A lot of new contract from the lady he works for. It is enough contracts but I may not have to go back to driving longer distances that I have been driving. I very well may be able to give massages locally and develop my music therapy clientele locally.  I am going to be doing the paperwork and office work for our business. I have said out loud many times in the last six months that this is what I would like to do.  When they have the next class for maintenance I’m a go take that class as well.

Of course the full impact of the situation has not hit me yet because I still have two more trucks to come. However I am hoping that with a little belt tightening and a lot of grace from the world things will keep going and possibly even improve on what they are currently. And of course I will be working on my home business of health and wellness products.

God is good all of the time all of the time God is good!

Resuming my blog

 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...