Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Workout number 7

I'm officially in week one of my Never Say Diet full body makeover. I started last week but didn't take measurements or weigh officially till this week. I'm down 2 pounds from last week (according to the Wii fit) Wii fit said I lost my weight too fast, but I know I was a little water heavy to start with, so I pretty much ignored the Wii. I'm to work out 5 days per week for 30 minutes every day before worrying about what I'm eating. However, I am making modifications to my diet and writing my food down as much as possible. I'm making good choices, but I'm also trying to be realistic about the bad choices. I know they will occasionally happen.

This week I have my music therapy conference in Austin. I have realized that it will be hard to work out on Thursday due to the schedule, so I may have to skip it and work out on Saturday instead. I'm sure the hotel has a work out room for me to do that. it's a nice hotel, so I can't imagine not having a workout room. I don't want to give myself any excuses not to workout.

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