Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A quiet week in Arlington (my home town)

Maggie is gone to camp. It feels very odd for her not to be around. Her little dog, Howie, is with Shawn so I'm puppy free as well.

But not being one to let the grass grow under my feet I have plans. I'm going to take Liberty and Fiera and meet a friend to trail ride. it will be Fiera's maiden trail voyage. She is doing great in the pasture. She stops, turns, backs and walks and trots. She isn't really seeing a tin of point in going forward right now so I thought seeing the sights might inspire her. She has been ponied and has run loose with my horses on trail. I think she's ready but yes, Peter, in case I'm wrong the insurance is paid up ;-)

I had planned to ride tonight. I didn't find it intolerably hot but the horses evidently did. Fiera was standing in the trough when I arrived. I wondered why they seem to be running out of water each day. Evidently she's getting in each day. Silly girl. I trimmed Oly's front feet tonight and he was not good. He wasn't really awful but he was so worried about Dixie that I had a hard time. Dixie was off eating and not giving him a second thought.

Today was my recovery day on the exercise. Tomorrow I hope to run, lift and swim if I have time and energy for all three.

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Resuming my blog

 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...