Sunday, February 24, 2008

EEK! A Mouse

We just caught another mouse...well, small rat? Not sure. It's tail sure was long, but Peter said it was only half the size of the other one. The cat caught it. I thought one of the dogs was in the trash, but she made a horrible racket and I went to see what was going on and she had the mouse in her mouth, but then she set it down to play with it and I started screaming b/c I thought it was going to get away. Peter got it and threw it outside, but it wasn't dead, so I went back outside and tried to get the cat to finish it off, but she wouldn't! Darn Cat. I ended up picking it up in a towel and putting it in a baggie b/c he wouldn't finish killing it. Eeek, it was gross. It had a really long tail! I hope that is all of them.

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 I used to write in here all the time.  I stopped b/c after doing facebook stuff it seemed unnecessary. But lately I have been wanting a for...