Monday, January 12, 2009

Equine Touch clinic Level 1 and 2

The Equine Touch Foundation proudly presents:

The Equine Touch ( Foundation) (Advanced) clinic
(A 3-Day Hands on course for horse lovers)

Taught by Raian Kaiser Equine Touch National Instructor

February 27-March 1 2009
Aledo, TX

CLINIC SCHEDULE: The seminar is held over three days.
Day 1: 8:30-9:00 am: registration. Each day thereafter, we will start at 9:00 a.m. The first two mornings, you will learn and practice the Equine Touch on humans. Bring change of comfortable clothes and a small towel for the human work, and sturdy shoes and safe clothing for working with horses. The first two afternoons, and all of the last day, will be spent working on horses. Generally, the clinic is finished by 4:00 – 4.30 p.m. every day.

COST of the clinic is $450.
Send a non-refundable deposit of $150 to reserve your place on the course, made out to: Alice Yovich and mail to: 811 Web St. Arlington, TX 76011.
The balance of tuition will be paid at the time of registration on the 1st day.
If you pay in full by January 20 you will receive a free DVD of the level you are taking.
If you have to cancel for some reason, your deposit will be held for a future class.
If you are a member of IETA, bring your membership card to receive a 10% discount on any merchandise bought at the clinic.

Please include the attached application and waiver with your deposit.

If you have any questions do not hesitate and contact: 817-456-3048

Or Raian Kaiser,, (970) 203-0725

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