Sunday, June 8, 2008

Merlin Chases Baby

In one of my most terrified moments of new horse motherhood, I got a photo of Merlin, the draft cross who belongs to my friend Cat, chasing Fiera across the field. How did this happen, you might ask? Well, Fiera is 3 weeks old today and has begun to outgrow the confines of her little paddock with her mom. I have tried several combinations of the whole herd over the last week and today seemed to be a good day to give them a chance to mingle. They have been getting along over the fence just fine and it jus seemed like they were ready...well, I was wrong!

The story ended fine. I had to tear down the entire fence and let them out but now they can't run into it. When I left at 2:30 they were all fine together. I just thought this was a great camera shot and wanted to share it.

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