Friday, July 27, 2007

Frankie IS a good dog!

Today I had to do the barn. Cat came too and brought her dog. I took Frankie as well. Usually I have to leave a lead rope or leash on him b/c if I don't he trails after the pigs or chases cats, etc at the barn. Today he only looked at one of the pigs one time and then he ran with me. I was able to take his lead rope off after only a couple hours and he was good all day. He trotted along side the tractor and he was such a good boy. I can't believe he's finally turning into a good dog. He even tried to play with Cat's dog Taz, but Taz seemed clueless what he wanted. Frankie almost never plays with other dogs. I was so happy. He's finally almost 5 years old. Maybe he's finally getting it.

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