Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Holiday--discover card is evil

Maggie, my daughter, and I were supposed to be camping and riding this fourth, but it's's been raining for the past 17 days. Everything is flooded...we're at home eating pizza.

Don't get me wrong, I'm getting a lot done...listed items on ebay, made up some new music therapy activity kits. whoohoo, what a way to spend the holiday.

Oh yeah, I also learned that Discover Card is scum of the earth today. Not long ago they wanted to raise my interest rate b/c they felt I was a credit risk (never mind I was busy paying off the card) I decided to take the current terms of the card (12.74% interest) and cancel my card so that they wouldn't raise my rate. Evidently, this was a mistake b/c they canceled my free interest on balance transfers agreement. They said that canceling the card invalidated my agreement with them b/c I was no longer charging 2 items per month to keep the free interest on the balance transfer (which, obviously is true since I no longer have the card) This was after I had been assured my zero interest would now I get to pay double the interest each month while I pay off this card. What a bunch of bozos! Obviously, I should have taken the higher interest, continue to charge 2 miniscule things each month and lived on. I'm not sure why they didn't tell me on the phone the way it would be. Either they didn't know, or they knew they could stick it to me for higher interest if I left. And to add insult to injury, they keep sending me "come back" I would ever.

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